How to Incorporate Feng Shui Principles in Your Singapore Home’s Interior Design


If you’re looking to create a harmonious and balanced living space, incorporating Feng Shui principles in your interior design can be a great way to achieve this goal. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that involves arranging your living space in a way that promotes positive energy flow and balance. With its emphasis on creating a peaceful and harmonious environment, Feng Shui can be particularly useful for creating a relaxing and rejuvenating home in the fast-paced city of Singapore. In this article, we’ll explore some of the key Feng Shui principles that you can use to create a beautiful and balanced home that promotes health, happiness, and prosperity.

Feng Shui Principles in Your Singapore Home’s Interior Design (Table)

Check your commanding positionsIn feng shui, the commanding position is the spot in a room that is the farthest from the door and not in direct line with it. It puts you diagonal to the door. You should place your bed, desk, and stove in this position to have more control and power over your life.
Declutter and clean your spaceDecluttering and cleaning your space can create a clear and organized environment that promotes positive energy flow. Clutter can block the flow of chi and create a sense of chaos, so regular decluttering and cleaning is essential for maintaining a peaceful and harmonious home.
Use natural light and vertical shapesNatural light and vertical shapes can create a bright and expansive space that represents growth and expansion. You should use large windows, mirrors, lamps, and curtains to let in more sunlight. You should also use vertical lines and shapes in your furniture, accessories, and art to add some height and dynamism to your space.
Balance the five elementsThe five elements of feng shui are earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. They represent different aspects of life and nature. You should balance these elements in your home to create harmony and avoid excess or deficiency. You can use colors, shapes, materials, and objects to represent each element in your space.
Enhance your entrywayYour entryway represents how energy enters your home and your life. You should make it inviting and spacious by removing any obstacles, debris, or clutter. You should also make it well-lit and bright by adding lighting or changing the bulbs. You can also use plants, art, or colors to add some beauty and vitality to your entryway.
Feng Shui Principles in Your Singapore Home’s Interior Design

Understanding Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a centuries-old Chinese practice that aims to create balance and harmony in living spaces through the arrangement of objects and space. Its origins can be traced back to early Taoist beliefs in chi, the life force that inhabits everything. Today, Feng Shui has spread from China to Western cultures, with many people embracing its principles to improve the flow of energy and create a sense of tranquility in their homes. To understand Feng Shui, it’s essential to explore its history, basic principles, and different types. In this article, we’ll delve into the origins of Feng Shui, the fundamental principles that underlie it, and the different approaches practitioners use to create balance and harmony in living spaces.

Evaluating Your Space

When it comes to designing a space, there’s more to it than just picking out furniture and decor that you like. Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, emphasizes the importance of energy flow in a space and its impact on one’s well-being and success. To apply Feng Shui principles in your home or workspace, it’s important to first evaluate the energy flow and identify the Bagua map.

Assessing Energy Flow

Energy flow, or “chi”, is a vital aspect of Feng Shui. It’s believed that when chi flows freely through a space, it brings positive energy and improves the well-being of those who inhabit it. Assessing the energy flow of your space involves taking a look at the layout and identifying any blockages or areas where energy may be stagnant. This can include factors such as clutter, poor lighting, or furniture arrangement.

Identifying the Bagua Map

The Bagua map is a key tool in Feng Shui that helps to identify the areas of a space that correspond to different aspects of life, such as health, wealth, and relationships. The map is typically divided into nine sections, each representing a different area of life. By overlaying the map onto your space, you can identify which areas correspond to each aspect and make adjustments accordingly.

Identifying the Elements

Another important aspect of Feng Shui is the use of the five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element is associated with certain qualities and can be used to bring balance and harmony to a space. By identifying which elements are present in your space and which may be lacking, you can make adjustments to promote a more balanced energy flow.

Overall, evaluating your space and applying Feng Shui principles can have a significant impact on the energy and well-being of those who inhabit it. By assessing the energy flow, identifying the Bagua map, and incorporating the elements, you can create a space that promotes balance, harmony, and success.

Applying Feng Shui Principles in Interior Design

Applying Feng Shui principles in interior design can greatly impact the energy and ambiance of your living space. One of the important factors to consider when applying Feng Shui is the impact of colors. Colors have the power to influence our moods and emotions, and in Feng Shui, they are believed to represent the five natural elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Lighting is another essential element in enhancing the energy flow of your space. It is important to choose the right type of lighting for each area and to ensure that there is adequate lighting throughout the space. Furniture placement is also crucial in Feng Shui, as it can affect the flow of energy and the overall balance of the space. Incorporating natural elements such as plants, water features, and crystals can further enhance the energy flow and promote positive energy. Mirrors are another important element in Feng Shui, as they can reflect and amplify energy, as well as create a sense of depth and openness in a space. Finally, decluttering and keeping the space tidy is essential in maintaining a positive energy flow and promoting a calm and peaceful environment. By incorporating these Feng Shui principles in your interior design, you can create a space that is not only visually pleasing but also promotes positive energy and well-being.

Feng Shui in Different Rooms

Feng Shui Tips for the Bedroom

  • Position your bed properly
  • Choose the right colors and textures
  • Incorporate proper lighting
  • Remove clutter
  • Place decorative objects thoughtfully

Feng Shui Tips for the Living Room

  • Arrange furniture in a way that promotes conversation
  • Use natural lighting whenever possible
  • Add plants or other natural elements
  • Choose calming colors and textures
  • Use mirrors to create the illusion of more space

Feng Shui Tips for the Kitchen

  • Keep your kitchen clean and organized
  • Place your stove in a commanding position
  • Use appropriate lighting
  • Add decorative elements like plants or artwork
  • Choose calming colors for walls and surfaces

Feng Shui Tips for the Bathroom

  • Keep your bathroom clean and free of clutter
  • Use natural lighting and ventilation
  • Incorporate plants or other natural elements
  • Choose calming colors for walls and surfaces
  • Use proper storage to keep things organized

By following these Feng Shui tips for different rooms in your home, you can create a space that promotes positive energy flow and a sense of harmony. Remember to keep your space clean and clutter-free, choose calming colors and textures, and incorporate natural elements wherever possible.

Other Considerations

Scents in Feng Shui

The sense of smell plays a significant role in Feng Shui, as different scents are believed to evoke different energies. The right fragrance can purify the air, uplift the mood, and create a harmonious environment. Scents like lavender, jasmine, and lemon are said to be particularly beneficial for the home.

Importance of Maintenance in Feng Shui

Incorporating Feng Shui principles into your home requires consistent maintenance and upkeep. Cluttered or disorganized spaces can disrupt the flow of energy, making it important to regularly clean and declutter your space. Broken or damaged items should also be repaired or replaced promptly.

Feng Shui for Small Spaces

Feng Shui principles can be applied to any space, regardless of size. In small spaces, it’s important to maximize natural light and avoid clutter. Using multifunctional furniture and clever storage solutions can also help create a harmonious environment.

Feng Shui in Rental Properties

Incorporating Feng Shui principles into a rental property can be a bit more challenging, but it’s still possible. Focus on temporary fixes such as using area rugs or curtains to create separation between spaces, adding plants to enhance the energy flow, and incorporating decorative items that reflect your personal style and energy.


In conclusion, incorporating Feng Shui principles in your Singapore home’s interior design can have a significant impact on your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Understanding the history and basic principles of Feng Shui, as well as identifying the Bagua map and the elements that influence it, can help you create a harmonious and balanced space. From assessing the energy flow of your space and using lighting to enhance it, to incorporating natural elements and decluttering, there are many ways to apply Feng Shui principles in different rooms of your home. By paying attention to the role of colors and scents, as well as the importance of maintenance and incorporating Feng Shui in rental properties, you can further enhance the positive effects of Feng Shui in your living space. With these tips and insights, you can transform your home into a sanctuary of peace and positivity.


  1. What is the purpose of Feng Shui in interior design?
    • Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to harmonize the energy flow, or chi, of a space. When applied to interior design, Feng Shui principles can enhance the overall ambiance and atmosphere of a room.
    • The goal is to create a balanced and positive environment that promotes well-being, productivity, and prosperity.
  2. What are some basic principles of Feng Shui? Some basic principles of Feng Shui include:
    • The use of the Bagua map to identify different areas of a space and their corresponding elements
    • The incorporation of natural elements such as wood, metal, water, fire, and earth
    • The placement of furniture to promote the flow of chi
    • The use of color to enhance specific areas and elements
    • The importance of decluttering and creating a clean and organized space.
  1. How do I evaluate the energy flow of my space? To evaluate the energy flow of your space, you can:
    • Walk around your space and observe how the energy flows
    • Look for areas where the flow of chi is blocked, such as cluttered or dark corners
    • Use a Bagua map to identify areas of your space that correspond to different aspects of your life, such as career or relationships.
  1. Can I apply Feng Shui principles in rental properties?
    • Yes, you can apply Feng Shui principles in rental properties. Some simple ways to incorporate Feng Shui in a rental property include decluttering, adding plants, and rearranging furniture to promote the flow of chi.
  2. How do I incorporate Feng Shui in a small space? To incorporate Feng Shui in a small space, you can:
    • Choose furniture that is proportional to the size of the room
    • Use mirrors to create the illusion of more space and reflect light
    • Use color to enhance the energy of the room
    • Keep the space clean and clutter-free.
  1. What are some common mistakes to avoid when incorporating Feng Shui in interior design? Some common mistakes to avoid when incorporating Feng Shui in interior design include:
    • Placing furniture in a way that blocks the flow of chi
    • Using too many mirrors or reflective surfaces
    • Cluttering the space with too many decorative items
    • Painting walls in colors that clash with the room’s elements.

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In conclusion, choosing Dwellaholic for your residential or commercial design needs means investing in top-quality, personalized, and innovative design solutions. Their dedication to client satisfaction, paired with their exceptional team of professionals, makes them the ideal choice for creating the space of your dreams. Don’t wait any longer—get in touch with Dwellaholic today and embark on an unforgettable design journey.

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